First Aid Kit Management


Never restock your workplace first aid kit again.

  • "You should consider providing an AED if there is a risk to workers at your workplace from electrocution, if there would be a delay in ambulance services arriving at the workplace, or where there are large numbers of members of the public."

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020

  • “As a PCBU you must ensure an adequate number of workers are trained to administer first aid at the workplace or workers have access to an adequate number of other people who have been trained to administer first aid.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “A person in the workplace, usually a first aider, should be nominated to maintain the first aid kit and should: − monitor usage of the first aid kit and ensure items used are replaced as soon as practicable after use − carry out regular checks, after each use or, if the kit is not used, at least once every 12 months, to ensure the kit contains a complete set of the required items. An inventory list in the kit should be signed and dated after each check, and − ensure items are in working order, have not deteriorated, are within their expiry dates and sterile products are sealed and have not been tampered with.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "All workers must be able to access a first aid kit. This will require at least one first aid kit to be provided at their workplace. "

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “As a minimum first aiders should hold nationally recognised Statement/s of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the nationally endorsed first aid unit of competency Provide First Aid or a course providing equivalent skills. A higher level or additional training may be required to ensure your first aiders have appropriate skills for the risks you have identified in your workplace.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “Where workers or others at the workplace have known existing medical conditions, first aiders should be trained to respond to these conditions if the topic has not been covered in previous first aid training.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “Refresher training in CPR should be carried out annually and first aid qualifications should be renewed every three years.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "Number of trained first aiders The following ratios are recommended: − low risk workplaces—one first aider for every 50 workers, high risk workplaces—one first aider for every 25 workers − remote high risk workplaces—one first aider for every 10 workers"

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "In addition to first aid kits, you should consider whether other first aid equipment is necessary to treat the injuries or illnesses that could occur as a result of a hazard at your workplace."

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • ”A PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) must ensure: − provision of first aid equipment, − each worker at the workplace has access to the equipment. − access to facilities for administering first aid, and − an adequate number of workers are trained to administer first aid, or workers have access to an adequate number of other people who have been trained to administer first aid”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "A PCBU must consult, so far as is reasonably practicable, with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking and who are (or are likely to be) directly affected by a health and safety matter. "

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “You must consult your workers when making decisions about what equipment and facilities are needed for administering first aid. Consultation should include: − the number, location and contents of first aid kits and other equipment − the type of first aid facilities that may be needed − first aid procedures, and First aid in the workplace”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "In relation to the size and location of the workplace, you should take into account: − the distance between different work areas, and − the response times for emergency services."

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • "When considering the size of your workforce, you should include contractors, subcontractors and volunteers you engage."

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “If the workplace occupies several floors in a multistorey building, at least one kit should be located on every second floor. Emergency floor plans displayed in the workplace should include the location of first aid kits.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “You must ensure an emergency plan is prepared for the workplace, including: − an effective response to an emergency − evacuation procedures − notifying emergency service organisations at the earliest opportunity − medical treatment and assistance, and − effective communication between the person you have authorised to coordinate the emergency response and all persons at the workplace.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “A portable first aid kit should be provided in the vehicles of mobile workers if that is their workplace, for example couriers, taxi drivers, sales representatives, bus drivers and inspectors. These kits should be safely located so as not to become a projectile in a collision.“

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

  • “In the event of a serious injury or illness, quick access to the kit is vital. First aid kits should be kept in a prominent, accessible location where they can be retrieved quickly. All workers must have access to first aid equipment including in security-controlled workplaces.”

    Work Health and Safety Act (2011), s 274 (First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice) Approval 2020.

We’ve addressed all the challenges of First Aid Kit Management in the Workplace, and erased them. Here’s a brief look at our most popular, mid level option.

  • Brand new First Aid Kits

  • Guaranteed First Aid in the Workplace Compliance

  • All-inclusive restocks and audits

  • Emergency restocks

  • Extra’s Box

  • Company-wide training discounts

  • No lock in contracts, no hidden costs

Compare the three tiers below. Basic, Essential & Premium.

First Aid Kit Frustrations

Managing first aid kits in a the workplace comes with a unique set of challenges that can often go unnoticed until an emergency strikes.

From the time-consuming audits to kits that should have stayed in last century, there is often room for improvement. Many companies often fail to meet the standards set by the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice. Understanding the responsibilities are both critical and complex.

Explore the inclusions


Traditional Restocking - just better.

The Inclusions


Complete Compliance , Guaranteed.

The Inclusions


For high risk, high usage workplaces

The Inclusions
